Home > Clint's Blog > I Need News Reporters.. Oh, and Single-chip DLP Sucks…

I Need News Reporters.. Oh, and Single-chip DLP Sucks…

April 16th, 2007

I need writers. I need good writers. I need good writers that can grab hold of relevant AV news and post it on the website. This doesn’t seem hard, after all I can take a news item and generate original content in less than 10 minutes. but try to find someone… ANYONE who seems interested in the task. I have yet to discover this person. I am not looking for a lifelong staffer, though who knows what we’d do if we found someone who was just stacking the site with good content… I am looking for a true reporter. Make the calls, send the emails… scoop the stories.

I mean – this could be so much fun! Are you out there news guy? Are ya? Send me an email will you, so I can get this ball rolling.

In other “news” I am wrapping up a review of the IN78. Now, I seem to have a problem. I have discovered after all of this time, that while I am still objective and reasonable…. I hate single-chip DLP. It’s pathetic. It’s worse than pathetic – it’s nonsensical (that means that it ‘makes no sense’ to you people who had problem s with dangling chads). Why on earth we can’t get 3 DLP chips inside a box for under $4000 is beyond me. Rainbow effect would be GONE. GONE. Picture quality would go up. Is DLP that difficult to manufacture that TI can’t fathom expanding its mid-to-upper end consumer products by a factor of 3? Is it that cost-prohibitive that only $10k products can have 3 chips?

LCOS has 3 chips.

3LCD has 3 chips.

Both have HAD 3-chips since inception. The very nature of a color wheel is ridiculous and reminds me of CRT and it’s archaic scan lines. Are we not, with HD, beyond trying to play “tricks” on the eyes (a la color wheel). I think we are. In fact I know we are.

DLP is lame in it’s 1-chip iteration and needs to be brought to 3-chip technology FAST. TI has had ample time to make money and the chips are not that expensive in terms of mass production. Greed is holding this technology from being all that it can be – mark my words.

Manufacturers unite – kick their butts and get that company on the right track. Throw out your color wheels and stop giving me a headache. Besides, LCOS and LCD are starting to come up with some tricks that are beginning to make you look very stupid.

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  1. April 16th, 2007 at 16:09 | #1

    I find this line sad – “that while I am still objective and reasonable”. Being “objective” doesn’t mean “without opinion”. It means, and I quote, “based on facts; unbiased”. No where does it say, “without conclusion”. You’ve been objective. You’ve looked at something objectively and come to a conclusion. It sucks. And yet, as reviewers, we feel we can never express an opinion about anything. Only make specific statements about specific devices. Ridiculous. If single chip DLP sucks, it sucks. That doesn’t mean that if someone comes out with a super-duper-industrial-strength single chip you are still going to say it sucks. You’re going to look at it, evaluate it objectively, and perhaps come to the conclusion that it is the ONE single chip DLP that DOESN’T suck. I’m done not having opinions. We’re reviewers, we’re supposed to have opinions. And now with AVRant, I can express them all day long…. :). Oh, and HTPC’s suck. Long and hard…

  2. April 16th, 2007 at 16:23 | #2

    It’s assumed anymore that:

    a) ANY absolute statement is going to be made without any potential for the “sayer” (that’s me) being able to come to a later conclusion that he/she has discovered an exception


    b) there are no absolutes so how dare anyone make ANY blanket statements unless one has an almost God-like comprehension of the topic… (or a degree, somehow that piece of paper qualifies just about anyone for an opinion that simply MUST be respected).

    So I guess I could have foregone the caveat – largely because I believe both of these items to be utter hogwash, but it’s almost second nature to write in automatic “defenses” to every blanket or highly-opinionated statement.

  3. April 16th, 2007 at 16:27 | #3

    How ’bout this. On AVRant, from now on, every statement has an understood, “In my experience up to this point” in front of it. Unless it is me in which case it should be, “In my experience up to this point, unless it is funny to say in which case you should get over your bad self and recognize the joke for what it is you uptight forum troll…”

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