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Yea Internet Anonymity!

April 9th, 2007

Got accused of bias (and poor writing) again today. Just gives me that warm funny feeling. The warm fuzzy feeling that having an antisocial basement dwelling shut-in whose sole contact with the outside world comes from forums and Internet porn can give you. Iâ..ve read so many things online and off and Iâ..ve never thought I was such an expert (even on the topics that where I AM an expert) that I felt compelled to belittle an author. I might offer additional points of view or the occasional pat on the back but the GALL it takes to question the ethics and intelligence of someone you donâ..t know is just appalling. Of course if youâ..ve spent all 19 years of your life listening to your mom tell you how handsome and smart you are and that the girls will come around and that those guys at the food court â..just donâ..t get youâ.â.¦ wellâ.¦ perhaps your perception of the world is a bit skewed. I just have to laugh at these guys. They think Iâ..m writing directly to them. That from my writing they â..knowâ. me. I dare any of them to guess my favorite type of music. Iâ..ve made sure throughout my Audioholics career NEVER to specify. I donâ..t think Clint or Gene could guess. But go ahead and continue to think you know me. Feel free to continue to send those comments in. One day Iâ..ll put them together in book. The Collected Emails of Ignorance or How the Internet Killed Manners or What Guys Do While Theyâ..re Waiting for Their Mom to get Them Pizza Pockets. Personally, I know where this is goingâ.¦ my first stalker. You know youâ..ve made it when you have to have a fan dragged off by the police when you find them in your bedroom sniffing your socks.

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Categories: Tom's Blog Tags:
  1. April 10th, 2007 at 13:25 | #1

    OMG it’s like you were talking just to me – I’m your BIGGEST fan, TOM!

    And “Ska” would be my guess…

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