Home > Podcast > AVRant #74: Letters to Jeremy

AVRant #74: Letters to Jeremy

June 5th, 2008

This episode brought to you by DVIGear. Tom sounded like Alvin (not on this podcast) and Dina is going on vacation. Dina has a request(s) for Jeremy. Some talk of contests. Perhaps the next contest could be suggestions for contests. Dina hates randomness. Dina found this movies trailer. Dina has no love for LARPers though she may have contracted the geek in reference to the new Clone Wars series. Sci Fi and Trion are going to create a TV program and Massively Multiplayer Online Game that somehow affect each other. Not all people from Los Angeles are crazy… according to Mark. Chris wants to know if it is his fluorescent lights are creating pops in his speakers. Why do we need HDMI when coax seems to be up to the task for high definition cable? Why are most HDMI cables made in China? Virtual dissection has Tom all up and arms. The Associate Press has declared what we all already knew. Thanks for the update. Dina vetos Rick’s question but allows Alexandre’s about a bad DTS experience. Something is wrong with Tom’s brain (Dina’s got a list started). Breaking your speakers is hard to do. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley.
All this AND graceful!

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  1. davemcsjr
    June 5th, 2008 at 13:23 | #1

    Jared Fogle lost all the weight on the Subway diet. Jeremy is the kid who spoke at school today (a la Pearl Jam)

  2. Raul in HD
    February 16th, 2009 at 17:41 | #2

    Dina I think you could have anwser the Receiver question lol. ….. nice.

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