
Author Archive

AV Rant #376: I Said Pluck

April 3rd, 2014 5 comments

This week’s podcast is chock full of questions again. Ashley is looking for a setup disc that does 3D, David wants to know how to get streaming services from other countries, and Jonathan has no love for vinyl. Efrain has an alternate to the SB-2000 that he wants our advice on, and we think you might be surprised what we say. Michael needs some advice on receivers with web controls or apps, he wants to know what the heck the THD spec is, and our thoughts on the Onkyo TX-MR636 receiver. Ian needs some speaker buying advice, Jay wants to know what the heck an HTPC is, and Abby is having a problem with her surrounds while Scott needs new ones. Keep those questions coming and special thanks to Efrain, Wilson, and Michael for their support.


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AV Rant #375: Can You Hear It?

March 28th, 2014 6 comments

We don’t have time for a second podcast this week because REASONS so this one is extra-long. Rob and Tom tackle big subs and how to order them, thin bezels, Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 speakers, DIY sub kits, digital amps, and bad HDMI boards. Rob made a mistake and owns up to it. Jonathan wants to know why manufacturers cut corners, Niclas and Richard want to talk about high-rez audio files and whether you can tell the difference, and Gary wants to talk about “Immersive Audio” and the new Dolby Atmos and Auro 3D audio formats.


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AV Rant #374: Suck Valley

March 21st, 2014 3 comments

Surprise podcast! Once again, we are behind in our questions so Rob and Tom need to catch up. This time, we get away (mostly) from subwoofers and talk about other AV related things. We’ve got Richard on 3D, high-end movie theaters, and Mapleshade, Paul on antennas, and Ashley on how to get your PS3 to output DTS for games. Gaylen wants to know which (satellite, cable, or fiber) provides the best picture quality, has a problem with his picture turning to static, and a question about subwoofers. Nicolas wants to know how big of a room he needs for two rows of seats and do we recommend bookshelf or tower speakers. Jay wants to know about crossover settings and Richard has a question about passive subwoofers. Lastly, Gary and Niclas want to talk about room correction. We dive in and tell you what it does, how it works, and what are the limitations.


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AV Rant #373: Noise, Noise, and More Noise

March 20th, 2014 5 comments

We recorded a day late but still had a great turnout of people viewing on YouTube and Google+ as well as for the Google Hangout after. We generally record on Tuesdays at 9pm Eastern time and have a hangout after for all that want to attend. This week we catch up with two listeners from last week: Efrain (what is noise floor in amplifiers and what specifications should we look at) and Gary (subwoofer reviews and the “Q” of a sub). Comments from Gaylen, Brad, Alexandre, Gary, and Eliezer. Jonathan has a problem with WiDi (as does everyone else we learn) and Rob has some suggested fixes. Tom reviews the Chromecast and Rob reviews the Axiom ADA-1500 amplifier. Tom recommends checkout out the CMP-1 for mounting stuff to the back of your display.


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AV Rant #372: Playing Catch-up

March 14th, 2014 1 comment

That’s right, Rob and Tom are playing catch-up this week so we present you with two back-to-back podcasts. It’s better than a three-hour podcast, right? We tackle questions from Dave about what size/type/brand of TV to get for his rental in a non-optimal placement and speaker suggestions for the same. Isaac has a question about non-traditional speaker configurations. Efrain has the option of buying a new sub or a used amp – which do we think would make the biggest difference? Jay needs some help with subwoofer placement, Gary has an inquiry about subwoofer size vs. number, and Joel wants to know about subwoofer performance ratings. While we didn’t get to every question, we got pretty close.


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