
Author Archive

AV Rant #352: OMG BFD

October 31st, 2013 1 comment

Liz shows up a little late and Rob dives headfirst into a bottle of gin. Well, not really but whatever. This week – TiVo’s Roamio iOS update, Nielsen acknowledges that there is an Internet, and Dexter comes to Netflix. This week we have a voice mail from Alexandre. We have a couple of in-depth topics including more about setting your speakers to small, spikes, and what to do if you don’t have a sub. Lastly, a question about using an EQ in your system.


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AV Rant #351: Good Vibrations

October 24th, 2013 2 comments

Are you one of those people that wishes AV Rant episodes would never end? Do you base your workouts on how long the podcast is? Well crack a beer or grab some extra water and advil because it is our longest show ever! Yes, there was a terminal lack of news this week but our listeners asked so many questions that we just couldn’t keep this one to an hour. First, in the news, underwhelming announcements from Apple and Tom’s preliminary review of OS X.9 Mavericks. Is 4k here to stay? CE Pro thinks so and the AV Rant crew agrees. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have problems with their reasons. We have some headphone news including one from Oppo, Tom lets us know about his forthcoming review of the Emotiva Stealth DC-1, and Liz admits to liking a Monster product. Tom gives a preliminary review of RHA’s MA750 in-ear headphones. Tons of listener questions and comments including a discussion of the Tekton speaker offerings, Herbie’s Audio Lab, and more. This week’s in-depth topic: Vibrations.


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AV Rant #350: Fusion Powered Podcast

October 15th, 2013 1 comment

If you follow us on Facebook, you’ll already know this but don’t download the Windows 8.1 update if you value your Media Center plugins. It pretty much breaks all of them. This special announcement brought to you by Rob H. Welcome to the first all-North America podcast. What does this mean? No more concerns about time. So grab a coffee, kick up your feet, and let’s talk AV. We introduce a new segment this week – AV In Depth. We start with speaker settings for your mains. Large or Small and why. Do you have a suggestion? Let us know below or on our facebook page. Lots of news this week but not a lot of it is AV related. A few VR items – the Virtuix Omni is a platform for you to use when trying to immerse yourself in a game and the Avegant’s Virtual Retina Display will beam the picture directly onto your retinas. In bendy news, LG has a bendy battery and a phone and the new Samsung Galaxy Round is more curved than ball-shaped. We say thank you for those that have offered feedback and especially to those that donated. Rob recommends the new SVS SoundPath Isolation System, Liz recommends a video she didn’t give me the link for, and Tom wants you to buy Pacific Rim so you can break your sub. And get a bigger on.


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AV Rant #349: People Care About Rob

October 14th, 2013 Comments off

It’s true, they do. This podcast is late though we recorded it on time. Not sure what happened. Tom hit “publish” but WordPress said “No.” Oh well. Rob had to cut out early for some drywall work but his leak is gone. So there is that. Chromecast gets Hulu, Netflix’s “super HD” is defined, and Amazon is releasing a new streaming box. HBO releases its death grip on Game of Thrones and others. Look for them on Google Play. Liz recommends What If? XKCD and Tom recommends you check out this article about how to track shows.


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AV Rant #348: CEDIA 2013 Report

October 3rd, 2013 Comments off

Tom’s back from CEDIA but it seems that Liz is the one that is tired. Fret not – next week she’s done in London and future podcasts will be recorded at a time that is better for everyone. Meaning night. With beer. Except for Rob who only drinks moose blood. True story. Rob wants to tell us about the new announcements from Steam. Tom just wants to know if his purchases will work on the new OS. From CEDIA – Paradigm soundbar, JL Audio E subs, Martin Logan BalanceForce subs, Def Tech ST-L speakers, and a few stories. JVC gets Tom’s award for the worst demo though he did skip a few of the less interesting (and less welcoming) ones. Darbee makes its appearance on the new (releasing soon) Oppo player (BDP-103d). Tom recommends the new JL Audio subs (because of course he does) and Morcheeba for your testing pleasure. Rob recommends Daniel Barenboim Plays Beethoven – The Complete Piano Sonatas Blu-ray. We recommend Liz get some sleep. 


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