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AV Rant #347: No News is Short Podcast

October 3rd, 2013 Comments off

Here is last week’s podcast. Tom was too busy at CEDIA to post it. A second podcast is coming up for this week. Liz is away again, and Tom’s got one foot out the door as he heads to CEDIA. What, if any, changes would you like AVRant to make? Tom puts the call out to our listeners, and we really hope you’ll have some feedback for us! Rob and Tom both have water woes. 4K prices are plummeting. Microsoft thinks you’ll spend a lot of money for a Surface 2. Apple “refreshes” their iMacs while trying not to “brick” the Apple TV. And, sadly, former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away at 85. Listener Andy found you a deal on the Pioneer Elite BDP-62FD 3D Blu-ray player. Rob’s got an internet direct buying tip. And Tom makes a controversial movie recommendation from one of the worst directors ever!


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AV Rant #346: We Suck at Short

September 20th, 2013 Comments off

Liz has the week off as she has guests in town. This week we try to keep it short – and fail again. Next week – Tom’s getting serious about short, and is going to CEDIA. So look forward to that the week after. Rob and Tom tackle listener questions, the passing of Dr. Dolby, a new disc format, a new hi-rez line from Sony, and iPad’s in movie theaters. On purpose no less. Thanks Disney. Flip headphones – CNet hates them but Tom sort of asked for it. A preliminary review of the speeCup – a speaker in a cup.


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AV Rant #345: A New Definition of Short

September 12th, 2013 Comments off

Liz wanted to do a shorter podcast this week and we failed at it miserably. This week: Apple’s new iPhones, some gaming news from Sony and Microsoft, a curved LCD to confuse consumers, and our review of the V-MODA Crossface M-100 headphones (finally). Damon suggests checking out the app for figuring out where to buy/stream your favorite shows. Tom wasn’t impressed but didn’t spend a great deal of time with it. Our listeners of the week are Roland (big meanie) and Art. And here is that Cookie Monster video.


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AV Rant #344: Interview with V-MODA’s Val Kolton

September 6th, 2013 Comments off

As promised, here is Tom’s interview with Val Kolton, CEO and owner of V-MODA. You can learn more about Val on the V-MODA website. You can follow V-MODA or Val on Facebook. Check out the full range of V-MODA offerings here. Plus, here are the reviews on Audioholics of the V-MODA Crossfade M-80 and M-100 plus Tom’s review of the V-MODA Faders earplugs.


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AVR #343: Some Butts About It

September 5th, 2013 1 comment

Lots and lots of topics this week so we run through them as fast as we can. There was some sort of malfunction where there was an echo in one of our recordings. We got most of it out but if you notice it, we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen next week. This week all three of us are using the V-MODA BoomPro mics and recording our audio locally. While we all sound slightly different, it seems like the BoomPro is a perfectly acceptable mic for recording podcasts. Other topics include listener questions from Kevin, Eliezar, and John along with Jackson who tells us how to properly spice wires. Nokia & Microsoft get married, CBS / Time Warner have reconciled, and Kindle Matchbook are all discussed. Liz suggests a Two-Face make-up tutorial (here), Tom suggests a 43 second video that is totally worth a full minute, and Rob has some headphone suggestions. Next week we’ll formally review the V-MODA Crossfade M-100 headphones. Our Listeners of the Week are CSI (Computer Scene Investigations), Dwayne, Eliezar, and Kevin.


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