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AV Rant #338: Waveforms and Eye Rolls

August 7th, 2013 Comments off

Ever wonder what a waterfall plot was and how to read it? Wonder no longer. You and Liz will learn just what they are, how they work, and, most importantly, what they tell you. Still confused? Here are three videos to help you out. Tom previews his Samsung BD-F5900 Blu-ray player review. Is it worth $120? Time Warner and CBS are fighting. Who loses? You do, of course. Netflix adds the ability to make multiple profiles within one account. Let the rejoicing begin. Liz has a suggestion for their next improvement. Rob got a surprise from a listener. Is there a new format war on the horizon? Eh…probably not. Tom finally gets around to talking about the Leap Motion. Do you need one? Again, probably not. But it is super cool. This weeks recommendations are: Rob: – a site where you can build your own test tones. Liz: not the lab-burger but to get yourself to Hamburg to have a miniature made of yourself. Tom: – for under $100, you can get a calibrated microphone for measuring your home theater.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #337: Unfortunate Turing of Phrase

July 31st, 2013 Comments off

This week we welcome listener Jason to the podcast. Jason has just cut the cord (as of last week) and tells us all about it. Like every other tech source on the web, we discuss Google’s Chromecast, what it is, how it works, and how it has already been hacked. Dell’s Project Ophelia is also new(ish) which is a dongle that turns your display into a PC…sort of. Alan Turing is being exonerated…for being gay. About time for a man that did so much and got a pretty raw deal in return. Sound & Vision is being merged into Home Theater mag and they are letting most of the S&V staff go. We discuss (Jason is a subscriber so he has a lot invested here). Tom wants to discuss his new Leap Motion but there is no time. This week’s recommendations – Liz: Cloud Atlas. Rob: five Canadian websites for AV gear (listed below). Jason: Do you research and buy the best you can even if it means you have to wait to fill out your home theater. Tom: Good Cops and Rubber Pipe Insulation Tape. That last one might sound weird but, compared to this episode, it’s fairly tame. Plus, your home theater will thank you.

Rob’s Canadian Website recommendation:

1) Audio Video Unlimited (higher end retail):

2) Electronics For Less (TVs & Electronics):

3) Sonic Boom Audio (SVSound):

4) Eastporters (projectors & screens):

5) Just One Cable (the Monoprice of Canada):


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #336: TUBES

July 26th, 2013 Comments off

A slightly shorter podcast this week. We introduce a new feature that we think will stick – recommendations. Tell us what you think and if you have any suggestions. This week we answer a question about subwoofers – two vs. one and about wireless iPod players (Rob suggests the Samsung offering and Tom mentioned Braven). Comic-Con happened so some of the big announcements are discussed. Cosplayers – what’s your stance? A Netflix flowchart has got Liz enchanted though a few of the recommendations are questionable. A special thanks to a couple of listeners. Would you change your vacation plans on a whim?


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AV Rant #335: Lee Brings the Dirty

July 19th, 2013 Comments off

Welcome guest Lee Overstreet back to the podcast. Lee has some stories about running wires and how audio delay can turn a person into a blathering idiot. This week we discuss a new (and infinitely more interesting) Apple lawsuit, the death of an icon (we apologize in advance), and DTS Headphone: X and Z+ App. We answer (or tackle) a listener question and have a few suggestions for content. Rob recommends the 2001 Blu-ray for the black levels and the BBC TV show Orphan Black, Liz recommends giving her friend’s band, Liontide, a listen (here is a YouTube video of their single) and Homeland on TV or DVD, and Lee…well, he apparently just watches documentaries so won’t talk about them. Tom recommends that you check out Tucker & Dale vs. Evil on Netflix (or any other way you can get it) and Twenty One Pilots on Spotify.


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AV Rant #334: OTA DVRs

July 10th, 2013 2 comments

Tom is on the market for a OTA DVR and he and Rob discuss a few options. Tom was leaning heavily toward Boxee.TV until they sold to Samsung and Samsung killed them. Other suggestions include the TiVo Premier (have to pay for the service though), the ChanelMaster CM-7000PAL (which has been replaced with a newer, less good unit), the TVIX (need someone to translate the Korean for us), and the DIY XBMC (very tweaky). Of course, Rob is an advocate of the HTPC. We tackle user questions from Art, Jon, and Keith. If you had $2000-$5000 to spend, what would you spend it on? Rob and Tom weigh in. Yes, Tom said subwoofer but you knew that was coming. He also had other, less predictable answers. Rob has a Blu-ray suggestion and Tom promises to start making Streaming suggestions beginning next week.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags: