In case you weren’t confused enough, 4k is getting a new name. JVC has a new TV that doesn’t quite make sense to Tom but Liz sorts of gets it. At least she thinks she does. Simple.TV gets kickstarter money and actually launches on time. Unlike the video game Haunts. What does this mean for future crowdfunded projects? Tom talks about amplifiers for Daniel. Here are a few links for you to peruse.
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Tom’s back and he has a new mouse! In Australia it is called the M950 but in the states it is the Performance Mouse MX. Special thanks to listener Alan – Tom vetted him for Liz. This week, Liz is getting some money back for some eBook purchases. What do you think of the price-fixing case? Tom is excited about the new 3M/Roku projector. Are you? Liz thinks this eye-wear is cool. Tom isn’t convinced. Tom thinks that XTZ may be the next big thing in high-end audio. (This is the robot that Liz was talking about.) But hearing is believing. SVS’s new Ultra series speakers are out. SVS-fanboys collectively swooned. Spotify invades your TV. Where will gesture control end up? Microsoft is testing out your wrist.
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If you are wondering why Liz sounds so far away, her mic broke so she is using the internal mic in her computer. This week, Zeebox, NBC, and Comcast work together to bring you second screen technology like you’ve never seen! Which we think probably means more ads. But Tom and Liz have suggestions for that too. What about you? Interested in more than one screen? Fitacracy. It’s what you get if you combined World of Warcraft and exercise. Favi’s SmartStick – 50% less than the Roku version. DTS Play-Fi. It’s Apple AirPlay for your Android phone…except not as good. Tom hopes “yet”.
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Liz went to France and saw…stuff. It was sort of like a sexy zombie movie. At least that’s what Tom thinks. Liz is loving the new Facebook page. It makes her feel like AV Rant is real (and you are real as well). So drop by and say Hi sometime. This week – Apple. Have they jumped the shark? Will the recent iPhone ho-hum, lawsuit, and unfinished Maps finally break the near fanatical trust consumers seem to have in Apple? Tom thinks so. Oppo’s new BDP-103 and BDP-105 Universal Blu-ray players. Tom’s excited. You should be too. An overview of the Emotiva XSP-1 Differential Reference Preamp. You may not want it but you have to appreciate how much you get for only $900. Roku’s new streaming stick – $100 saves you having to upgrade something much more expensive. More on Stradivarius – you may not like it simply because you’re not familiar with it. digiZoid ZO2 – full review.
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Liz is back and the audio is back to not sounding like complete crap. We can’t appologize enough for last week’s podcast (we’re now officially blaming the monkey). This week Liz and Tom discuss how movies are now getting pitched (and this trailer for the Hunger Games made by Kevin Tancharoen). The iPhone 5 is out and really, who cares? Tom and Liz discuss the things about the new iPhone that underwhelmed them. Can tonal quality be objectively measured? Tom thinks so but Liz doesn’t. You may be able to own a violin that sounds like a Stradivarius very soon. All it took was a little fungus. Crunchyroll – looking at piracy as opportunity and making money. What the knock test on the side of speaker means and how you can make it work for you. digiZoid ZO2 review preview. Is it the perfect stocking stuffer?
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