
Author Archive

AV Rant #303: CEDIA 2012

September 13th, 2012 1 comment

When is reality not real enough? When we are recording over skype and run into volume issues. Frankly, if we had the option, we’d just re-record all this. But we can’t. So here it is. This week, Liz takes a break as Tom has Clint DeBoer, Editor-in-Chief of, and Andrew Gash, Pretty Face of, on live from CEDIA 2012. They talk about the 30+ videos they made at the show (check them out here) plus some of their favorite products from DVDO, Denon, Boston Acoustics, Marantz, Polk, OmniMount, RBH, and Sony. Yes, Sony. Enjoy (but don’t turn the volume up too loud).


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AV Rant #302: In The Cloud

September 4th, 2012 1 comment

We’ve discovered the source of the noise in the last podcast, and that source is… Well, you’ll have to listen. This week, Tom previews his Arctic P402 Headphone review. Look for that on Audioholics soon. Is Arrested Development on Netflix heralding a new era or are pundits putting all their eggs in the wrong basket? Check out this 8 Milestones in Recorded Sound video. Pretty interesting stuff. On-Live is dead and the CEO pulls the sort of move that could springboard him to the top of the d-bag of the year list. Do you know what the Cloud is? Do you care? Do you care that most Americans seem to be very confused by it? Or are you like Liz and think that CE Pro misrepresented the data just to get clicks? Controlling your TV with your eyes – it’s happening now. Liz will post on our Facebook page pictures and video from the wheelchair fencing event. That’s right WHEELCHAIR FENCING. Can it get more epic than that? We don’t think so.


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AV Rant #301: Gangnam Style!

August 29th, 2012 2 comments

Have you joined our Facebook page? Come on, you know you want to. If you did, you’d have already seen the Gangnam Style video and know what we are talking about. On second thought, maybe that isn’t such a selling point. This week, a question from Michael about the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones – portable or not? Straight cable or curly. Tom answers all. Do you want perfectly accurate sound? If you do, you must not be an audiophile! Red tries to sell you on high frame rate video. Are you sold yet? Yamaha has a new CD player/Integrated Amp combo to sell you. Are you interested? Tom’s take on Star Wars’ Detours will surprise you. It surprised Liz.


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AV Rant #300: Phoenix Effect

August 21st, 2012 Comments off

AV Rant turns 300! And we remembered to mention it this centennial! Check out our brand new Facebook page. We’ll be posting not only the stuff that interests us but also links to the articles that we didn’t get a chance to discuss on the podcast. Beck has released a new album – on sheet music only. Tom and Liz weigh in. Would you get an H+ implant if it were real? We think you know Tom’s answer. More on this original web show next week. Piracy is bad…another reason it isn’t the pirate’s fault (not a good reason this one). The Phoenix Effect – the most brilliant piece of marketing Tom has seen in a long time (Audioholics forum post, PDF 1, PDF 2). Tom expands on his V-MODA Faders review and the Yamaha YHT-697BL preview. RIP Tony Scott


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AV Rant #299: Olympic Pole Dancing

August 14th, 2012 2 comments

Yes, we went there though, in Tom’s defense, Liz led the way. Tom found a bunch of funny (gernerally NSFW for language reasons) videos this week including Boats, Bane vs Cable Guys, and Batman, Call Me Maybe. Note: the discussion of the Bane videos does lead to spoilers so be warned. 3D printers can build you a gun or a house. We choose house since there is no assembly required. Is allowing your music/content to be used in commercials “selling out”? Beastie Boys’ MCA thought so enough to ban it in his will. Experts weigh in on speaker placement and Tom predicts without having read the article (really, he didn’t). Tom talks about the new V-MODA Faders review he’s working on (tuned earplugs) and Logitech’s new TV Cam HD (which he thinks is lame but Liz doesn’t agree – what do you think?).


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags: