What’s the deal with bitrates? Is lossless really important? Tom says both yes and no. The Loudness War coming to an end? Is this possible? Liz and Tom evaluate a couple of headphone cable management systems: the Flux Headphones and Cord Cruncher. Flash is dead…and no one cared. Liz takes on the Google Nexus 7 tablet while Tom handles the Google Nexus Q media streaming sphere. A bit about some Triad speakers you can actually afford, a 2D-3D converter from IOGEAR that Tom is actually excited about, and the VISIO Co-Star – what the Logitech Revue should have been.
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It isn’t a word. We know that. But it applies. This week – Microsoft’s Surface. This may be the tablet we’ve been waiting for. Or it may be just a little too late (see our Tactile discussion a few weeks ago). Tractor Beams – we may have them (sort of) but they aren’t nearly as cool as we were hoping. Liz has a Reading Rainbow for adults and a video for kids. Tom takes on high-end audio with Bob Carver and Cannabis…we mean Canalis.
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Tom is getting sick and Liz is getting sleepy. So, another short podcast this week (which makes our podcast about the same length as everyone else rather than 2x’s as long). On the same lines, is the Internet really for ADD sufferers? Tom and Liz don’t think so. Want to win some earphones or speakers? Check out those links for contests on Audioholics (Canadians are even invited this time). Some speakers from KEF that Tom defends. A listener question about ported speakers. Will Blu-ray be dead in a few years? Roku thinks so. What happens when you piss off the Internet? This, this, and this. From the time of the podcast recording, things have escalated and it seems that the lawyer is now trying to sue the National Wildlife Federation and American Cancer Society. We shouldn’t be laughing, but we are.
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Welcome to the future, folks. It’s tactile in here. Check out this new tactile feedback touchscreen. Tom thinks it will completely revolutionize computers and make laptops a thing of the past. Liz just thinks it is cool. Also on Liz’s “to buy” list is the new Swivel tracking iPhone base. It will follow you while taking a movie with your phone. All for under $200. People beg HBO to take their money. HBO says “no thank you“. They also think they haven’t been hurt by piracy so Tom is pretty sure they are run by a bunch of idiots. Crossover movies…will the make movies better or just more of the same, shaky cam crap we’ve been subjected to? Yamaha has some new Aventage receivers and Tom is very impressed. Think of the new Denon IN-Command line except with more features. Moshi Vortex Pro review is out. Tom is waiting for the fallout.
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…is probably bigger than your house. We wouldn’t mind retiring there. There is something to be said for being the default, installed browser on an operating system. The thing that is said is that people are way too lazy to change even if you SUCK. This article has something to say about 4k but we can’t get over that M. Night is still making movies. Want to see the difference between 24 and 48 fps? Click here and start to agree with Tom. Or just continue being wrong. That’s okay too. This week in Netflix – privacy and your rental queue and the CW decides that to survive, it has to embrace alternative delivery methods. Tom thinks this has larger implications, Liz isn’t convinced. Tom breaks down the new Marantz receivers.
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