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AV Rant #288: Hells Yeah Button

May 29th, 2012 Comments off

Liz is back though we are trying out a new podcast time so Tom is a little punchy. If you’re in the US, you’ve probably never heard of Eurovision. Tom’s now seen it and, honestly, it doesn’t make much sense to him. Must be a cultural thing. Spotify launches in Australia and Tom can’t wait to try it out. He’s just been a bit busy trying not to die on his motorcycle. Someone over at DISH network has been listening to the podcast. DISHWorld is a new offering partnering with Roku to bring you international TV with some sort of strange requirements. This is a good direction people. Hope to see this in more than just the US. Tom takes on the new receiver offerings from Marantz and Denon. There is a lot to be excited about with these.


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AV Rant #287: On The Spot with Clint DeBoer

May 22nd, 2012 8 comments

Liz is off in Amsterdam doing whatever people do in Amsterdam (Tom guesses something to do with tulips) so Clint DeBoer steps in with some really atrocious audio (his mic got fried in a lightning strike). Tom cleaned it up the best he could. Looking for a new streaming device? Here’s a graphic to help you out. Funny part is that everything is 1080p except the Wii. Clint has Dish so we talk about the new Hopper box. Time Warner CEO out of the loop? Who would have guessed? Tom wonders what it will take to get the people in power to understand what we want. He’s thinking rebellion. Dolby Atmos – the reason Tom might go to the theaters again. Coming to your home…never. This week’s soup-to-nuts: Tom puts Clint on the spot for TV recommendations.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #286: Tired and Cranky

May 15th, 2012 7 comments

This week – early morning for one and a cold for another. It’s complaints from both sides of the pond. Onkyo brings you Dolby TrueHD as a download…for a price. You’ll also need one of their brand new receivers to make it work. Samsung has a new display that Liz thinks is overpriced but Tom is still excited about. Here’s a hint – OLED. The new ISP from New Zealand that Tom and Liz discuss has already shut down their new service. Looks like the Kiwis will have to use VPNs to get Pandora like the rest of us. But Global Mode would have been cool. This week in Netflix – does having your content on multiple sources devalue it? Dish Network thinks so. Tom and Liz weigh in. The HBO Go model and why Tom and Liz (and most of you) think it stinks. Tom gives a preview of his Pioneer SE-MJ591 Headphone review. At $300, they aren’t perfect, but they sound pretty awesome.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #285: With Tongue

May 8th, 2012 4 comments

It’s our 5 year anniversary (but we don’t mention that on the podcast). Hurray for us! Liz is back and this week we talk about the upcoming summer movies. Are you excited? We dissect the trailers for Spiderman, Dark Knight Rises, and Prometheus. Also, Mother’s Day is around the corner and we discuss the Audioholics gift guide and add a few of our own. Tom talks about his Sonomax eers Molded Earphone PSC-250 review (coming to Audioholics soon) and a bit more on the new Axiom speakers. Liz got her husband an Emotiva amp for his birthday. Now that is true love. After the break – some words on PCM from Clint. Oh, and here is that interview with Joss Whedon that everyone is talking about and that video of a lion trying to eat a child. Read more…


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #284: Weird and Awesome

May 2nd, 2012 6 comments

Listen after the final music for a spoiler-free review of the new Avengers movie (it is out in Australia so Tom went and saw it). Liz is out of town this week so Rob H. steps back in. Lots to discuss including a listener question about PCM, an article on Ars about Mastered for iTunes, and 4k/8k news. We have a Netflix news this week – CEO has been ranting and they’ve been affecting ratings. Tom and Rob debate the new Hobbit movie being shot and shown in 48fps. Rob thinks no, Tom thinks all the people that are whining about how it looks need to shut up. Rob has a warning about Windows 8. Star Trek: The Next Generation is getting an update for Blu-ray.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags: