
Author Archive

AV Rant #254: Unicorn

October 20th, 2011 3 comments

Check out the video below to get the skinny on Quantum Levitation. It is AWESOME. Evan has a problem with Spotify, as does Tom and Liz. Liz thinks salt is cool – not for the same reason Tom does. Vdio – What is it other than a stupid name? Tom talks about a few high end offerings from Thiel and Induction Dynamics which leads Liz to believe that “high end” is not the right term for these companies. A suggestion for Mythbusters. Liz’s new favorite TV show. This week’s Soup-to-Nuts is courtesy of a few listener questions. Simon has a question about battery backups. Evan figured out his optical problem, and Jason has a question about class H amps (here is some homework). Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.

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Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #253: Clichés

October 14th, 2011 2 comments

A more reasonable lengthed podcast this week. Tom is nearing the end of writing the sequel to Bob Moore: No Hero so it comes up a few times in the podcast. Of course, Steve Jobs passing has to be mentioned. Love or hate him, you can’t deny the effect he’s had on all of our lives. This week in Netflix – flip-flopping. Tom thinks a management change is in order, Liz disagrees. Liz thinks that UltraViolet is a lame name for a cool service. Tom agrees. Wait, a movie studio exec actually makes sense? What’s the world coming to? Can sound quality be measured? What does Alan Parsons think. This week’s Soup-to-Nuts is courtesy of listener Renny. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #252: Wiiness

October 6th, 2011 1 comment

Liz’s titles are getting better all the time. Our time management…not so much. This podcast is looooong (which is why we didn’t have much of a Google+ Hangout after). This week Liz and Tom start off with Netflix news (still looking for a segment song though the intro dance is coming along nicely) about Arrested Development. Liz and Tom weigh in on the new iPhone, Sony’s decision to stop subsidizing 3D glasses, and Facebook’s “Timeline.” Tom answers a pair of listener questions about dropped LCDs (that wasn’t a question but they addressed it – pic below) and toe-in. Dual Soup-to-Nuts this week with Tom covering linear speakers and Liz addressing some of the devices that also stream (rather than set-top streaming devices of a few weeks back). Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


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Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #251: Umbrage

September 29th, 2011 1 comment

Liz names her first podcast. Note the deplorable lack of innuendo. Oh well, she’s still learning. If you haven’t already, please check out Tom’s Master of Macabre story and vote here. This week, Tom and Liz are still in need of a Netflix segment song but that doesn’t mean they don’t talk about Netflix and their new Dreamworks deal. Clint has an experience on a plane that leads Liz to ask a question about SPL and hearing damage. Liz’s Koss Pro4AA Headphones are back (link to the new model, Liz’s are vintage) which leads to a discussion of listening tests. Tom tackles a few listener questions, rants a bit on Bose and Atlantic Technology, and Liz sends out an Amazon warning that is completely lost on Tom. Will people cutting the cable finally bring about TV a la carte? Tom doesn’t think so. This week’s Soup to Nuts is on how to get the Internet into your HT. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #250: Wiggle my Pixel

September 25th, 2011 2 comments

Sorry about the late post – the back end of AV Rant has been broken all weekend. This week we welcome Clint DeBoer to the mix for a three way podcast. Clint brings a first-hand report from CEDIA (read the coverage on Audioholics). In other news, we discuss Netflix’s new decision to split off their DVD business and rename it. OnStar admits something Tom always assumed they did anyhow. A new ponzi scheme is uncovered (where “uncovered” means “someone finally realized what everyone already knew”). A new bass trap design is critiqued. Clint talks about 4k projectors at CEDIA, Tom looks at Integra’s new DTR-70.3 receiver, and Clint reveals his favorite receiver line (on looks alone). A new Soup to Nuts next week. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


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