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Masters of Macabre Contest

September 18th, 2011 Comments off

So, you may know that I decided to take part in the Masters of Macabre contest over at Well, the contest is finally up and running and you can listen to my entry here. The way it worked was that each author was given a setting, an object, and a phobia (actually, a choice of phobias). I was then tasked with writing a short, “macabre” story within the given criteria. I was given a picnic, a telescope, and I ended up choosing Osmophobia (a fear of smells). This was a fun challenge and I’m really glad I took part (special thanks to R.E. Chambliss for turning me on to the contest). I actually learned a lot about the phobia through this process and was shocked to find out how many people it affects. Seems most people that suffer from migraines (we all know someone that does) are at least partially triggered by smells. Who knew? Well, other than psychologists, researchers, and lots of other people other than me. Seven other authors took up the challenge as well. If you are so inclined, take a listen to each of the stories (I voice my own) and vote for your favorite by sending an email to by October 1st.

Categories: Tom's Blog Tags:

AV Rant #249: Liz’s Rack

September 15th, 2011 5 comments

This may be our last podcast after Liz sees the title. Hopefully she’s in a good mood that day. The title should be “Listener Question Day” as Tom and Liz tackle five different emails. Star Wars Blu-ray in 6.1? Who cares when Tom has a new favorite movie. David gives AV Rant a first and has a few questions about subs. Tim fills us in on Blockbuster closing in Canada. Jason is thinking of mounting his speakers and has a question about center changel placement. Liz found a device that she absolutely loves and a solution for commercials that Tom thinks is brilliant. Movie revenues are up but is attendance? Tom and Liz speculate. Amazon considers a new book lending solution. Liz’s Soup to Nuts is on set-top-streaming boxes (notes below). Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.

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Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #248: Losing Your Phone

September 8th, 2011 4 comments

Liz dropped the ball on the Soup to Nuts but Tom sort of covered with a listener question. Learn about how a sub and a room can interact to strange results. Netflix and Starz broke up. What it means for you and is it a bad thing? Apple can’t seem to keep track of their new phones. George Lucas can’t seem to leave well enough alone. Aperion Audio releases a Dipole/Bipole speaker (Verus line) and Tom dissects it. Look for a full report on Audioholics soon. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #247: DMX Cables

September 1st, 2011 1 comment

Welcome back to the AV Rant podcast. First time? Feel free to contact us on the website or at one of our email addresses (listed at the end of each podcast). This week we talk about Steve Jobs, Portal (the short movie), and Moviepass. Best Buy partners with Satan…uh…we meant RAC. Tom uses the Klipsch Synergy F-30 Speaker Review as a platform to talk about reading reviews and planning your home theater. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags:

AV Rant #246: Exploding Balls

August 25th, 2011 5 comments

This podcast starts off pretty off topic but quickly comes back. Liz (or Tom depending on who you believe) loved the recent XKCD take on 3D first. Tom has some unbelievable croc news. Liz’s take on Akamai’s discussion of streaming requirements. Hulu lands an original series based on a movie that gained popularity on their service. A court hands down a verdict that actually helps you stream things easier. Yeah, it was the “helps” part that surprised us most too. Tom takes you through his $1k Recommended System article and previews the rest that are on the way. Some facts about Disney and fanbois you probably already knew. Tom finds a reason to like Bing (finally). This week’s soup-to-nuts is on surge and power protections. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


Categories: HT Soup to Nuts, Podcast Tags: