
Author Archive

AV Rant #220: Gadgets for Girls

February 19th, 2011 4 comments

Because of a website snafu, the podcast is late posting. But most of you already know that and downloaded it when I posted the link on twitter? Right? This week, a late discussion of gadgets for girls and Liz provides some relationship advice. This week’s Twoll (twitter poll) was on demo material. Listeners give some great suggestions (see after the break for specifics). Tom talks about Onkyo’s new networked receivers, the demise of guitar hero, and the small room syndrome. How much will you save if you cut the cord? Well, not Tom since he’d have to pirate everything but you guys over in the US. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Download Tom’s ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. Read more…


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AV Rant #219: When Good Topics Go Bad

February 10th, 2011 3 comments

Stay tuned after the music for our first outtakes – by popular demand! Pirating the superbowl. What would make you never pirate another movie/tv show? Liz and Tom discuss a list they found online. Steve Martin is brilliant even over twitter (if you’re following Tom on twitter you already know this). When to amplify speakers. Toshiba’s glasses free 3D displays aren’t quite selling as fast as predicted. Liz has a suggestion. Apple is thinking of getting rid of boxed software – a discussion. MaxiVision – now with WINGS! Tom says some mean things about Roger Ebert. He should probably apologize. He won’t, but he should. Tom has a question for the listeners. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Download Tom’s free ebook Bob Moore: No Hero.


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AV Rant #218: Use for Cotton Socks

February 3rd, 2011 6 comments

And it isn’t to plug ports though that’s valid too. Is Amazon going to move to a subscription model? And if so, what does that mean for Netflix? Do you want more bundles? Did you ever wonder if anything good ever came out of those holiday text messages from your cell phone company? Homeless man makes good – at least that’s what the attendees at CES said. Tom’s not so sure they’ll sound all that great. What’s the downside to full featured TV’s? One reviewer finds out. Speaking of reviews, Bose has a new one out. Of a sort. A use for cotton socks and how to EQ your subwoofer. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Download Tom’s free ebook Bob Moore: No Hero.

Damn, forgot Jeremy’s picture. Click through to see it. Read more…


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AV Rant #217: Topic List

January 27th, 2011 7 comments

Tom and Liz try out a new format. What do you think? Tom immediately goes off topic to talk about his Aperion Audio Verus Grand review. Also on tap, ceramic paper speakers (of a sort). Totally dead and buried now but still an interesting topic. What is the new Nintendo 3DS all about and is it really not for kids? Regardless of what you think of Caprica, Internet ad pricing seems to be a bit off. Tom finally says something bad about Netflix. If you haven’t heard of this Superhero short (NSFW), welcome to the Internet. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Download Tom’s free ebook Bob Moore: No Hero.


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AV Rant #216: Eye Fatigue

January 20th, 2011 7 comments

Liz is back and still without a title. Where’s the love folks? We’ve got to come up with something better than CSIS or whatever it was that Dina had. Liz and Tom discuss the new Mac App store and, while they agree it is generally a good idea, they have a few issues. Tom likes the Boston Acoustics new A Series speakers. Not that he’s ever heard them. There is a new glasses free 3D solution you have to see. Check below for the video. Digital copies expire but Space Jam is forever. More on Tom’s book, Tom works on a script for Romantically Apocalyptic, and a few listener questions are addressed. What do you look for in an iPod dock? Liz has a some insights. Speaker stands – how to best secure your bookshelves. These are the speakers Liz was talking about, Tom couldn’t find the link to his. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Download Tom’s free ebook Bob Moore: No Hero.
Read more…


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