
Author Archive

AV Rant #199: WoW

September 23rd, 2010 8 comments

Rob is back as co-host. Tom’s still on the lookout for a new permanent replacement for Dina. For now, it’s probably going to be a parade of co-hosts. Since Netflix came to Canada, and Rob is in Canada, we talk about it. Plus we get off topic a lot. Since that never (almost never) happened with Dina, it must be Rob. Disney has a new disc – it isn’t what you think. Oakley has some new glasses that Tom hates in advance and Rob thinks are stupid. Stuff Rob mentioned – EX500 LCD review from CNET, Value Electronics TV shootout(VT25 wins), and XpanD’s “Universal” 3D Shutter Glasses. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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AV Rant #198: Farewell Dina

September 17th, 2010 10 comments

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt – it’s the reason this podcast is late. Yes, Dina’s gone and no Tom has no plan for what to do next. Bruce hates Tom (as do all those people that didn’t get confused like Tom did when talking about step-up/down transformers last week). Oprah comes to Oz and everyone goes crazy. Tom actually has a reason to like Sony (shocking, we know). Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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AV Rant #197: Traitor

September 10th, 2010 6 comments

Sorry about the late podcast – all will be explained within. Also, the complete video is available this week thanks to ooVoo not crashing. Tom’s almost moved in. A discussion about power. A class Tom wants to take. Netflix makes strides. Accessing the cloud – a good thing? Dina weighs in. Tom gives a big shout out to Clint for being the man. David and Michael get their questions answered. A plea to Cameron. For all of you that emailed Dina and then reported to Tom – she claims ignorance. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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AV Rant #196: Ponce

September 2nd, 2010 7 comments

Tom is disappointed in his listeners (though Dina really should have read the comments from last week). Blockbuster is going bankrupt – Tom’s not surprised. James Camereon needs a new car (or something) so he adds nine minutes. The upside – he’s producing a movie that Tom’s REALLY looking forward to. An opera for Star Trek fans. Receiver features vs amp quality. A few questions from Jonathan and Gaylen. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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AV Rant #195: Land a Ho-tech

August 26th, 2010 5 comments

We’re back with video though it isn’t the most flattering shot of Tom. Tom reviews the OtterBox Defender case for the iPad. You can even see it on the video (though it’s a bit hard to make out). Levitan has more to say about Hulu, Star Wars Uncut is released, and, apparently, video games are addictive. Who knew? Denon’s new AVR-4311CI receiver has Tom impressed. There’s a new universal remote on the market and for once, Tom doesn’t care how well it works – he just wants it. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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