
Author Archive

AV Rant #195: Land a Ho-tech

August 26th, 2010 5 comments

We’re back with video though it isn’t the most flattering shot of Tom. Tom reviews the OtterBox Defender case for the iPad. You can even see it on the video (though it’s a bit hard to make out). Levitan has more to say about Hulu, Star Wars Uncut is released, and, apparently, video games are addictive. Who knew? Denon’s new AVR-4311CI receiver has Tom impressed. There’s a new universal remote on the market and for once, Tom doesn’t care how well it works – he just wants it. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.
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AVR #194: Tom Muad’Dib

August 19th, 2010 15 comments

YEA!!!! Dina’s back and all is right with the world… except for the echo on Tom’s side but we’re starting to get used to that right? Right? No? Well, us either. Our kingdom for a few room treatments… and a few subs. Can’t ever have too many subs. Tom’s got a few things to say about 600Hz subfield drive, the new GT line from Panasonic (and their super-hip glasses), and Onkyo’s new HT-RC270. Dina’s seen a few movies but doesn’t really comment on them. Spain is hating on Tom’s favorite feature of Google (aside from the search). Someone has a “great” idea for videogames. Tom’s conflicted about George Lucas (not on Star Wars on Blu – he’s not buying that). Clearleap and RCDb – changing the cable company paradigm? We’ll see. Plaster Networks has a product Tom’s interested in – if only because he’s so cheap. No video this week but expect them to be back soon. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.


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AV Rant #193: Making It

August 13th, 2010 6 comments

One more week and Dina is back. For this week we have a special guest host – Tom’s wife! See for yourself if he affords her any more respect than anyone else. On tap for this week – The Audioholics videos, iTV, the Dell tablet, and 120Hz cables. Blockbuster – back from the dead or just on life support? Magnolia moves up in the world? Tom gets his first delivery (from Porcupine Tree), his second (from OtterBox) is on the way. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.


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AV Rant #192: A is for Awesome

August 6th, 2010 2 comments

Tom is back for good this time in all of his echoy glory. What one thing does Tom miss most from his home theater gear? The answer might surprise you. Clint is mad a HDBaseT, Tom is mad at the studios. The UK is mad at Facebook and Twitter. Warner wants you to believe that the 28 day window is working but won’t show any data. Email drops to number three in time wasters (they call it wasting time, I call it work). Is India developing your next laptop? The next audiophile format. Please post your comments and visit the AVRant Facebook page! Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.


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AV Rant #190: The Return of Tom

July 22nd, 2010 10 comments

Tom is BACK!!! Briefly. Not sure if he’ll have Internet next week so the last Rob episode will be held for another week. Tom talks a bit about Australia and how it differs from the US. Aside from the offerings on TV, he’s tentatively optimistic. Clint’s got some more thoughts on HTbaseT. Netflix is coming to another country that isn’t Australia so Tom doesn’t really care. Quickflix is no Netflix. Sound Advice rises from the dead. High end audio is coming to a big box store near you. Tom has a few thoughts about light control. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley. To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.


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