
Author Archive

AV Rant #189: Tim and Hollis

July 16th, 2010 6 comments

This one is late because Tom’s not used to the 12 hour time difference. Well, at least he’s back(ish). Next week may be the last Rob episode which promises to be extra long. This week it’s Tim and Hollis – two audio engineers. You may remember Tim from a while back when he recorded a guest episode with Tom. On tap for this week: Hollis is looking for 5.1 headphones. Apple’s new Mac Mini. Rental windows online. Why does Apple hate Blu-ray so much? DVD conspiracy? Blu-ray vs. DVD. If you have a PS3 do you need a standalone Blu-ray player? No but the question is do you want one? Hollis is tempted. What do you call your TV room? Movie theater disorientation. Wireless interference. Hold on to your hats, here comes golf in 3D! Motion control, iPad, and apps. Tim has no love for Hulu, Hollis explains. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley. To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store.


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HT in Oz

July 10th, 2010 5 comments

Indeed, I have made it to Australia. After 40 or so hours in transit with three young boys we arrived in Perth – exhausted, jet lagged, and generally discombobulated. But we’re here. My wife’s company is putting us up for two weeks so that we can find a place to live and a car. Is that a lot of time? No. So we’ve been seeing as many rental properties as possible. And what does Tom do the minute he walks into a stranger’s house? You guessed it, check out the speakers. Let’s just say that compared to the HTiB systems I generally run into in the states, Oz is crushing us in the HT department. Read more…

Categories: Tom's Blog Tags:

AVR #185: Ridiculously Special Feat. Rob and Ted

June 17th, 2010 18 comments

Welcome to an AV Rant podcast episode like no other! With Tom and Dina both away on amazing summer adventures, long time AV Rant listeners, Ted and Rob take the reins and churn out a fan-made episode of epic length and verbosity! We get to know Ted a little bit and find out how he wrote and recorded AV Rant’s awesome outro music. We discuss acoustic treatment and calibration at length, and the different ways that we approach the topic when talking to AV newbies. Ted gives his impressions of the Spears & Munsil Blu-ray calibration disc. Rob talks about the various pros and cons of the major flatpanel technologies, rants about his disappointment with 2010 televisions, and expresses his hope that Vizio (of all companies) might just turn things around. We close things out with our thoughts on 3D and the stupid, stupid ways in which 3D is being marketed and sold to consumers. TV manufacturers, HDMI, DirecTV, even the HT Guys: no one is safe! Thanks so much to Tom, Dina and Clint for this opportunity. Both Ted and Rob had a great time! We would love to read your feedback in the comments or over at the AV Rant Facebook fan page! Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley. To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Read more…


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AVR #184: Tom Totally Sells Out

June 11th, 2010 2 comments

If you are wondering why this podcast is a day late, send your thank you cards to Comcast who apparently has realized that Tom is moving and has started cutting out his service for hours/days at a time. We’re just thankful they left it up for the hour or so that Tom and Dina needed to podcast. This week – Tom gives out some thanks and then promptly sells out – it’s an inspirational story. Hulu coming to the iPad? We can hope Hulu comes to something. The cost of keeping Netflix movies too long (Tom and Dina think it = 0 but you decide). Dina has a question for the fans. Warner gets thanks from Tom for being ironic. Dina agrees. Is Amazon brilliant or dumb for putting their books on the iPad? What’s next for the Kindle? Video games are not bad – Tom’s world is all topsy-turvy. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley. To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Read more…


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AV Rant #183: Prophetic After The Fact

June 3rd, 2010 9 comments

Don’t forget, if you want to have your rant on the podcast, record it and get it to Tom or Clint. Best to use a hosting service (there are a ton of free ones) if it is a big file. In this week’s episode – more on Hulu. Will it be coming to the big screen? Will it cost more? E3 should give us some answers. Plus, Andrew has an opinion. Henry turns Tom on to a lip syncing issue that has him thinking about 24bit/192kHz versus 16bit/44.1kHz. Tom wants more broadcasts of the same show. Glenn wants to know about matching subs. Tom talks about matching speakers in general. Dina’s still mad about last weeks podcast title. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley. To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. To get our iPhone app, visit the iTunes store. Read more…


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