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AV Rant #501: Dual Sub Calibration

September 1st, 2016 Comments off

AV Rant 500th_1000px

Our Listeners of the Week are Jay, Charles, Jim, Karl, and Bruce for their donations, and Jason S. for letting SVS know his dual PC-2000 subwoofer purchase was partially because of AV Rant’s recommendation, and mostly because his wife said, “order two” when she saw the cylinders vs. the big boxy versions!

Entry for our AV Rant Podcast 500th Episode Celebration SVS 1000 Series Giveaway is open Sept. 01, 2016 for US and Canadian residents only. Best of luck to everyone who enters by submitting your email address and agreeing to receive the SVS Newsletter!

In the news, Infinite Gary sent us a statement from the Vice Chairman of Lionsgate declaring that DVD is still a “massive business”. Antoine noticed the HSU Research Labor Day Sale. PlayStation Plus subscription prices are going up starting Sept. 22. uncovered Five new Roku models (some with HDR). And for a comprehensive Fall 2016 TV Preview, check out IGN.

Bill P. will most likely buy the KEF Q Series speakers we recommended. Wesley M and Michael I. inform us that their Denon Receivers have also installed the DTS:X firmware. Scott S. supports our opinion that modern Receivers fundamentally sound the same. And Scott, Ian, and Ara Derderian from the HT Guys provided links to more PLEX and NVidia Shield TV guides, including: SPMC Kodi + PLEX, a PLEX Client App comparison, and PLEX Server on the NVidia Shield TV.

Ted M. explains his on-wall speaker comparisons and is waiting to see if Ascend Acoustics expands beyond the Sierra Sat . Justin C. found a great deal on a Denon AVR-X4200W, so we discuss its capabilities and how low we think prices might go as the newer models arrive. Lior M. asks for official info on the upcoming Audyssey App, but the best we have are the European Denon and Marantz announcements. And Andrew N. wonders if adding one more subwoofer will basically let him pressurize his whole house.

Infinite Gary asks about the manual audio delay setting in his Lexicon Pre-Pro, and asks for our opinions on some Center speakers. Will T. wants some Movie Poster DIY Absorption Panels, and we name Rainy Lake Audio and SpoonFlower as places to get the prints done. We also provide a step-by-step guide on setting up dual subwoofers. And Jonathan F. found an article describing how to use three Receivers together to “Go Beyond 7.1.4 Atmos“, but Rob asks, why not add a fourth?

Justin B. asks if he can run Atmos and reassign his Surround Back outputs to Zone 2 at the same time. Kris I. wants to know about “black” projection screens, how to best orient bi-pole speakers on the ceiling for Atmos, and whether it’s worth aiming ceiling speakers. And Anthony B. asks if he should prioritize room treatments or subwoofers, whether dual SVS PB-2000 can pressurize his room or if he should spend a bit more on our recommended HSU VTF-3 Mk5 DualDrive Package, how to integrate his powered speakers after adding subs, how large a screen he should buy, and which roll-down acoustically transparent screens are best, so we suggest: Seymour AV, Elite Screen Saker Tab-Tension AcousticPro UHD, or EluneVision AudioWeave 4K Tab-Tensioned.

Michael R. asks why surround sound doesn’t work using Netflix on a web browser. Ryan M. doesn’t want a Vizio TV, so we suggest the Samsung J6200 Series. And Mike M. gets our thoughts on Shure’s in-ear monitor lineup.

Karl R. wants to know which Atmos Blu-ray Tom found at a Redbox. Bruce M. gets our thoughts on replacing his older Klipsch speakers, adding a false wall, and positioning his subwoofers. And Gaylen H. wonders if Tom and Rob are just talking off the tops of our heads, or if we actually do research!


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SVS and AV Rant 500th Episode Giveaway!

September 1st, 2016 4 comments

[contestfriend contest=”3111″]

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AV Rant #500.1: Part 2: The Second Barrel

August 25th, 2016 Comments off

AV Rant 500th_1000pxWe return with a 2nd part to our 500th Episode Celebration!

We have even more Listeners of the Week: Kris I., Efrain M., and Lee V. – thank you all so much for donating to support AV Rant Podcast!

More news: Valens Semiconductor responded to CE Pro 18 Gbps HDBaseT inquiries. And Jonathan F. confirmed that the Denon AVR-X220W and AVR-S910W received their DTS:X firmware updates! Furthermore, cross-brand upmixing is present, indicating that other models should be receiving similar updates soon.

Infinite Gary bought a Lexicon MC-8 Pre-Pro, and he asks about speaker options, XLR vs. RCA connections, the Outlaw Audio Model 5000 amplifier, and Center speakers with boundary compensation, such as the: Revel C208, Focal Pro Twin 6 Be, and Aperion Audio Verus Grand Center. Nick B. gets some clarification on Reference Volume and what’s going on with Audyssey Dynamic EQ. And Luke gets our honest advice about where we think his money is best spent. DIY Movie Poster Acoustic Panels top our list, followed closely by auditioning Center speakers from brands offering free 2-way shipping, such as: SVS Prime, Aperion Audio Intimus 5C, and Ascend Acoustics Sierra-1.

Chris wants to know if it’s worth upgrading a piece at a time in his wide open living space. We think it is, and we think affordable speakers like the: Pioneer Andrew Jones, EMP Tek E3 Series, NHT Super Series, or Focal Bird would be a great place to start. Jonathan F. read the Audioholics Towers of Power article and wants to know if the comments about massive headroom allowing for great linearity at moderate SPLs hold water. Dave M. wants to know if Dolby Surround Upmixer and DTS Neural:X Upmixer will do a better job with 7.1 soundtracks vs. 5.1 soundtracks. And Scott H. is hearing nasty sounds from Dolby Digital Plus soundtracks streamed by Netflix that we think might be solved by a Denon AVR-X1000 firmware update.


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AV Rant #500: SVS Announcement

August 25th, 2016 Comments off

AV Rant 500th_1000pxIt’s our 500th Episode Celebration! An event so big, we spread it across two nights. So welcome to Part 1!

Our Listeners of the Week are Shawn, William, Jeff, Jay, Luke, and Christian for their generous donations, and also Justin B. for letting Emotiva know his Airmotiv B1 speaker purchase was because of AV Rant, as well as a huge thank you to Ash for creating our custom 500th Episode artwork! We love it.

To celebrate this landmark event, AV Rant Podcast is partnering up with SVS for our first big giveaway! Entry for the giveaway will begin in September, 2016. So don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything yet. We will be giving out full details in the coming weeks. And for those of you who enjoy the YouTube version of AV Rant Podcast, Google moving Hangouts to YouTube Live will mean some format changes in the weeks ahead. Read more…


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AV Rant #499: Buying Advice

August 18th, 2016 Comments off

PrintOur Listeners of the Week are Steve and Niels for their generous donations. Thank you!

In the news, sadly, Kenny Baker, the actor who played R2-D2, passed away at the age or 81. Back in home theater-land, Antoine sent us JVC’s “Blu-Escient” 4K laser projector teaser video. Vizio P-Series and M-Series monitors got new firmware that adds HDR10 support. Home Theater Geeks interviewed Stacey Spears from SpectraCal about the state of HDR. The Panasonic DMP-UB90 is much less expensive than Panasonic’s first Ultra HD Blu-ray player. And Dolby and AMC will build 100 Dolby Cinemas seven years ahead of schedule!  Read more…


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