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AV Rant #498: Absorptive Cats

August 11th, 2016 Comments off

PrintOur Listeners of the Week are Thomas, Brandon, Ted, Simon, and Jay. Thank you all for your generous donations! Rob H. saw Suicide Squad and liked it. And judging by its box office haul so far, maybe he wasn’t alone after all (Lots of terrible movies did well at the box office. That doesn’t make them not terrible – Tom).

In the news, Andy from noted the Kickstarter campaign for the new $1,600 Smyth Realiser A16 model that can decode immersive audio formats. Yoeri Geutskens posted a terrific Dolby Vision FAQ. And thEndUsr Podcast has concluded with episode 204. Our congratulations to Chris and Taylor on over six years of weekly podcasting!

Mike B. explains why the Nura headphone system is potentially even less useful than we first thought. Rob G. inverted his ceiling-mounted speakers and heard a big improvement. Antoine and Steve O. both showed us a clip from the TV show “Hometime” where they show you how NOT to position speakers. Ted M. shared a video about IMAX audio. And Infinite Gary found some light-absorbing material measurements.

Jay C. loves his dual HSU VTF-3 Mk5 subwoofers, so he asks for our advice about: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers RAAL to replace his Polk speakers, getting white Ascend Acoustics Surround speakers or other white speakers such as the Focal SuperBird on-walls, using GiK Acoustics FreeStand Acoustic Panels or GiK Acoustics Screen Panels, and what he should look for in an area rug. Moanis wants to put his Ascend Sierra-2 speakers in his theater, so we recommend a Sierra-2 Center to match, and potentially the forthcoming Sierra Sat for Surrounds. And Jason S. wants to know if it matter which way subwoofer drivers are facing.

Heath B. gets our thoughts on where to build his theater room in his basement along with our recommendations for dual SVS PC-2000 cylinder subwoofers and the upcoming Epson 5040UB HDR projector. Jason P. wants to know if it’s really necessary to remove speaker grills for the best possible sound. And Rafael S. gets our thoughts on whether he should buy a new subwoofer or AV Receiver (or acoustic treatments) first, which Marantz Receiver model he should aim for, and whether he should add Surround Back speakers to his system. 

Johnny D. asks if the EMP Tek E3b satellite speakers are a good choice for overhead and Surround positions. And we think the SVS SoundPath Pivoting Wall/Ceiling Bracket or Pinpoint Mounts AB100 are great options for mounting them. Cody B. asks us to compare the Marantz SR7010 vs. Denon AVR-X6200W, and gets our thoughts on where to mount them for Atmos. And Michael M. asks some questions about SoundBars for his parents, so we recommend the Pioneer Andrew Jones SP-SB23W or one of the Vizio SoundBar options. 

Bill R. wants to nail down his projection screen choice. We discuss size options, aspect ratio, screen gain, and magnetic masking using a SeymourAV Premier Frame. We also suggest Sanus Racks or Peerless AV Racks for holding all of his gear. Will T. wants to know how the ports on his speakers are configured and for us to clarify exactly how close ported speakers can be to the wall. And Matt H. gets a mini-rant from us regarding DIY subwoofers. 

Matt G. wants to know if there are some simple, unobtrusive ways to improve his room’s acoustics, whether he should agonize over Center speaker placement, and our thoughts on speaker wire. Antoine would like an easy online calculator for subwoofers vs. room size, but the best we can offer is a combination of Josh Ricci’s measurements combined with Audioholics room size guide. And Brandon wonders whether he should buy a Yamaha RX-A3060 Receiver right now, or wait for the Denon AVR-X4300H to be released.


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AV Rant #497: Speaker Burqa

August 4th, 2016 1 comment

PrintOur Listeners of the Week are donors Kyle, Richard, George M., and Jay C. who also let HSU Research know his dual VTF-3 Mk5 subwoofer purchase was because of AV Rant! Rob starts the podcast with a gut-wrenching Kuro TV update. Prepare yourselves.

In the news, Antoine shared CEDIA’s “Best New Products” finalists list, and we speculate as to why the only AV Receiver on the list is a Sony. China’s leading internet content distribution company LeEco bought Vizio for $2 billion. Nintendo NX is portable. Ultra HD Blu-ray player prices drop thanks to Xbox One S. And Philips 8600 Dolby Vision TVs are delayed until 2017.

Wesley M.’s volume jumping mystery has finally been fixed by a firmware update. Josh Pollard from The Digital Media Zone asks about using a 2-channel HDMI Audio Extractor, while we mention 4×2 HDMI Matrix, and 7.1 HDMI Audio Extractor alternatives. Randy gets our recommendation for the Denon AVR-X1200W from Accessories4Less, which slightly exceeds his budget, but delivers the features he’s looking for. And Infinite Gary asks about manufacturing moving back to the USA, and the most light-absorbent fabrics, which include Fidelio and Baritone black velvet (halfway down page), or Royalty 3 Velvet from Jo-Ann Fabric (thanks, Ray Coronado!)

Bobby K. gets Tom and Rob to spill their full equipment lists (Rob’s list will be posted as a comment to this article). Will S. wants good, small computer speakers without a bass module, so we suggest the Audio Engine A2+. And Nathan D. asks about long RCA cables vs. long speaker wire, requests a deep dive on determining if he needs an external amplifier, asks about Slew Rate, Class A vs. Class AB vs. Class D, and balanced vs. unbalanced, and finishes by asking about subjective opinions vs. objective measurements.

Christopher V. gets some clarification about inverting speakers mounted up high. Ryan T. explains his seating riser plans and asks about Outlaw vs. Emotiva amplifiers. And Bill R. asks if we think Focal SuperBirds and Focal Birds are good choices for on-wall and on-ceiling speakers. Bill also gets our opinions on HDR-capable projectors and “true” 4K vs. “wobble-K”, as well as dual subwoofer choices and where we think he should place them and his equipment rack.

Andrew N. could use a MiniDSP 2×4 to add independent subwoofer controls to his system. Lucas M. asks about the “+6dB Dynamic Headroom” IHF amplifier specification, and whether unused speaker binding post outputs are still drawing power when nothing is connected. P.J. has a tough choice between a new AV Receiver and a new subwoofer, and also wants to know what Audyssey’s various “level” mean. Ed wants to know if it’s worth keeping his old subwoofer, and how likely it is that lossless audio and immersive audio will be supported by streaming services. And John W. asks about minimum listening distances from larger speakers and whether or not we think he should upgrade.


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AV Rant #496: Saving Money on Amps and Rooms

July 28th, 2016 Comments off

PrintTom is back! And we thank Josh Pollard from The Digital Media Zone for helping us out with some very useful information about the cable/satellite industry this week.

In the news, Antoine gave us the heads up about the new Outlaw Audio OAW4 Wireless Speaker Kit. Antoine and Gary both sent us the headline about the new Sony Z-Series HDR TVs with Backlight Master Drive. DTS announced new DTS:X Content Creation Tools just as Paramount released more DTS:X Blu-rays. The Xbox One S can’t output Dolby Vision, Immersive Audio, or HD Audio Bitstreams. And the last VCR ever will be manufactured this month.

San Diago Comic-Con News included Mystery Science Theater 3000 coming to Netflix, Brie Larson being cast as Captain Marvel, and Star Trek: Discovery being announced as the title for the new streaming-only TV series. We also weigh in on some of our favorite trailers and teases!

Ryan T. gets our thumbs up for either EMP Tek Impression Series or Ascend Acoustics CMT-340SE Front speakers. We suggest the RBH Sound A-610 in-wall and A-615 in-ceiling speakers to match the EMP Tek Fronts, or Sonance VP62 in-wall and VP62R in-ceiling speakers to match the Ascend CMT-340SE. We touch on his speaker placement, seating placement, subwoofer placement, and screen size plans. We recommend pairing the Emotiva A-500 amplifier with a Denon or Marantz Receiver. We highly recommend waiting for the Epson HC 5040UB Projector. And we don’t think he has anything to worry about soundproofing-wise.

Brandon M. gets our recommendation for the HSU STF-2 subwoofer. Glenn S. has a wonderful collection of excellent gear, and we tell him which rooms we think should house which gear, and shockingly say his intended second subwoofer would be overkill. And Sam P. got some unexpected advice from DirecTV when they referenced the upcoming Unlock the Box and Ditch the Box Cable/Satellite plans that were explained to us by Mary Silbey and Josh Pollard. Sam also wonders what happened to the Amazon Echo Dot and whether it will be coming back.

Ed bought a Denon AVR-X1200W and asks about expanding beyond 5.1.2 Atmos and why DTS:X doesn’t seem to work yet. John D. finds out how to reassign the internal amps of his Marantz SR6010. And Bill R. gets our recommendation for Focal in-wall and in-ceiling speakers to match his Ascend Acoustics Sierra RAAL Fronts, and gets even more reasons from us to go with a Denon Receive rather than an Anthem.

Brandon G. asks about the durability of glossy finishes. Tom M. wants to know if an external amp will improve the sound of his system and what he can do next to improve his sound as much as adding a second subwoofer did. And Jonathan F. wants to know if this Roon Labs Audiophile Music Server review is to be trusted or rejected.

Nick B. really likes Anthony Grimani’s MSR Dimension4 acoustic treatment system, but he wants to know if there’s a way to get something similar at a lower price, which leads us to GiK Acoustics Diffusion Products, and suggesting some modifications to account for Atmos ceiling speakers and a carpeted floor. Martin D. tries to figure out why his iPhone SPL Meter App gave unusable readings, and asks how YPAO compares to Dirac or REW filters. And Matt G. discovered that Audyssey 2EQ can do more harm than good, and gets us to weigh in on his speaker placement, speaker height, and which music services we use.


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AV Rant #495: Lee Likes Puns

July 21st, 2016 Comments off

PrintTom is away, so Rob H. is joined by Lee Overstreet this week! Our Listeners of the Week are: Karpov, Sam, and Nathan D. for their generous donations, and Paul MacDonald for helping Rob find a packaging depot to ship his Pioneer Kuro plasma TV to its new owner.

In the news, via Toby H., a Star Trek fan spent over $1.5 million on his Enterprise-D home theater. Samsung $1,500 HW-K950 and $1,000 HW-K850 Atmos SoundBars are available to order. MoviePass has new pricing from $15 – $50 per month. Disney is rumored to finally support Ultra HD Blu-ray with “Finding Dory”. And via Infinite Gary, ASUS is including DTS Headphone:X processing in its ZenFone and ZenPad products.

Andy from recommends Outdoor Speaker Depot for inexpensive outdoor and installation audio products. And Adrian A. is happy with his Audio Technica AT-LP60 turntable and being able to find 50 cent records! Rob and Lee also place a bet on how long Tom would last in a conversation with Stereophile’s Michael Fremer.

Infinite Gary gets us to put projector vs. flat panel light output in terms of incandescent light bulb watt ratings, asks whether a new projection screen is needed for 4K, asks about LG OLED TVs using a fourth, white sub-pixel, and tells us that preventing every last bit of ambient light in his theater was like getting a new projector. Nick B. found an AccuCal HD review of several projection screen surfaces. We try to assuage his concerns about sitting close to an acoustically transparent screen, convince him to hold off on buying the SDR-only Epson LS10000 projector, and explain why we keep suggesting he put all of his Front speakers behind his screen.

Ian E. asks about ISFccc and ISF Day and Night picture modes. Justin B. tried some DTS:X demo clips from that didn’t work, and we try to explain why. And Bill R. is gets us to compare Anthem’s Atmos Receivers vs. Denon and Marantz, and we comment on Brent Butterworth’s “What’s the Ideal Speaker Driver Configuration” article.

Ted M. is returning his M&K MP150 speakers. He liked some Totem speakers, but can’t support them as a brand because they also sell snake-oil “Beaks”. So we touch on the Legacy Audio Silhouette and Silhouette Pro, and also recommend the Sunfire Cinema Ribbon Trio on-wall speakers. George M. might actually have a situation where it would be ok to pair wildly different subwoofers together. And an anonymous AV Rant Listener asks about using three horizontal speakers, as well as what sort of speakers to use with a false wall or baffle wall.

Nathan D. wants to know which black finish option to choose for his Ascend Acoustics Sierra Series speakers. Another anonymous Listener helps us learn a lot about optical HDMI cables such as the Monoprice SlimRun or Fibbr Active Optical, which are unidirectional optical/copper hybrid options; or, the MyCableMart Fiber Optic or Cables To Go RapidRun Optical, which are bi-directional. And Jonathan F. found the Nura headphone KickStarter that promises to automatically correct for your hearing, as well as an AVS Forum response that explains why it’s a bad idea!

Will T. has us run through the process for level matching his subwoofers. And Mike likes a lot of bass from his earphones, so we compare Shure’s various in-ear models, including their $3,000 Shure KSE1500 electrostatic system!


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AV Rant #494: 4k 3D

July 14th, 2016 1 comment

PrintOur Listener of the Week is Jeffrey for donating to support the podcast. Thank you! This week, we talk about 4k 3D. That’s right! You heard it here first.

In the news, the ITU-R has ratified BT.2100 for HDR TV broadcast signals. And Justin B. let us know that the Emotiva Passive Airmotiv Speakers are now available for pre-order with shipping expected in August.

Bill found a review of the Monoprice Monolith 7 amplifier that pretty much confirms ATI as the OEM. Bob thinks our discussion last week of Audio Pixels was lacking, so we respond. And Karl K. shared a write up about analog vs. digital format survival.

Kevin A. asks about All Channels Stereo listening mode and why the subwoofer doesn’t get louder. He also asks how amplifiers respond to different speaker impedances and sensitivities, what happens when you wire speakers in parallel, one Center speaker vs. two Center speakers, and whether we think Avatar 2 will mean a new 4K 3D format. Finally, Kevin weighs in on plasma vs. OLED, and why he thinks it’s a good idea to watch and adjust during the construction of a theater, even though Tom might have disagreed at some point in the past.

Jason asks about using Audysey Dynamic Volume and Low Frequency Containment to avoid bothering his neighbors. He also asks about turning a Center speaker vertically. Ken M. gets us to detail how to manually adjust the phase and other settings to optimize two subwoofers that are both on the front wall. And Paul R. has space constraints, so we suggest a Silver Ticket Thin Bezel Screen, dual SVS PB-1000 or SB-2000 subwoofers, and wall mounting bookshelf speakers rather than using Source Technology in-wall speakers whose website got Tom really excited (in a rant-y way).

Robert G. wants to know if he should turn his ceiling-mounted speakers upside-down. Morgan asks what he should be listening for during the “subwoofer crawl”: the answer is bass sweeps from AudioCheck. And Jason S. has Oppo player issues that we think require a repair.

Greg P. wonders just how small a theater can really be, so we offer some ideas. Justin C. did an excellent job (in our opinion) installing his speakers, but we think he might have a floor bounce reflection issue. And Diego L. is helping a friend upgrade Receivers, and we recommend the Denon AVR-X3200W or higher.

Mike M. might also benefit from springing for an AVR-X3200W and then using the Dayton Audio WS-12 Sub-Link XR or AudioEngine W3 Wireless Kit to feed Zone 2, although a Chromecast Audio might also do the trick. Mark O. wants to know if he should buy the Aperion Audio Verus Grand Towers or the Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers. And Adam P. wants outdoor speakers, so we compare the various Yamaha models for him.


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