Home > Podcast > AV Rant #958: Underlying Tension

AV Rant #958: Underlying Tension

March 13th, 2025

PlayStation 3 (yes, 3) just got a System Software update to keep Blu-ray playback working. Older Warner Bros. DVDs (and HD-DVDs) are suffering from disc rot. TCL launches their QM7K miniLED TV Series. And HearAdvisor provides measurements and playback samples for earplugs.

Pictures shown in this episode: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC5926

00:00:00 – Intro

Canadian politics, baby!

00:15:19 – What We Watched

Rob watched Heretic. Tom watched the 1st episode of Daredevil: Born Again, and more of S.2 of The Night Agent.

00:35:27 – Listeners of the Week

Our Listeners of the Week are Raf for his PayPal donation, plus our 130 Patreon Patrons.

We also appreciate the notes of gratitude for keeping the podcast going from: Juls, Raf, John, David, Fred, and Dazz. Thank you to everyone for continuing to listen!

In the news:

00:39:20 – News: PS3 System Software Update

Yes, nearly 19 years after launch, the PlayStation 3 just got a System Software update to keep Blu-ray disc playback working: https://tinyurl.com/3563rx48

00:40:48 – News: Warner Bros. DVD Disc Rot

Discs manufactured from 2006 – 2008 are becoming unplayable due to disc rot: https://tinyurl.com/wynjbpyz

Warner Bros. will replace affected disc for free, but only “where possible”: whv@wbd.com

00:43:46 – News: TCL QM7K TV Series

TCL’s QM7K TV Series is bigger & brighter with more dimming zones, and shipping this month: https://tinyurl.com/yc2b9zba


00:46:44 – Comment: Bob – It’s Not a Short Circuit

Bob details all the troubleshooting he did to make sure there’s no short circuit causing his Denon AVR to go into protection mode.

– https://avgadgets.com/everyone-that-says-their-av-upgrade-is-slightly-better-is-a-liar/

00:55:25 – Comment: Nathan – HearAdvisor Earplug Measurements

A great recommendation for a resource for earplugs and hearing aid measurements and playback samples.

– https://www.hearadvisor.com/earplug-rankings


00:58:51 – Rob: YouTube Music on Zidoo?

There’s no official YouTube Music app on Zidoo players, but there could be a way to hack it.

– https://revanced.net/revanced-youtube-music

01:02:29 – Gurinder: Overdamped?

Some of his REW measurements indicate that his RT60 decay times might be too low. Should he take down some absorption panels?

01:14:10 – Toke: More Sub Out Headroom Needed?

If bass from Small speaker channels is being rerouted, does the Sub Out need extra headroom?

01:21:43 – Juls: Speakers for Warehouse

Monitor Audio Bookshelf speakers and a Yamaha Stereo Receiver are nice products for home audio, but won’t cut it in a large warehouse. We suggest alternatives.

– Dayton IO8XTW: https://tinyurl.com/58x87z3t

01:29:11 – Karl: Wireless Desktop Speakers

He’s leaning towards KEF LS50 Wireless II, and we’re fine with that. We also mention some less expensive options.

– KEF LSX II from A4L: https://tinyurl.com/yc5fhnau

– SVS Prime Wireless Pro: https://tinyurl.com/mr2cu295

– Kanto REN: https://tinyurl.com/3ad2yzy2

01:34:06 – Infinite Gary: Calibrated Color & Live 4K

His projector and OLED were both professionally calibrated, so why do sports teams’ uniforms not look identical in color when he compares? Also, what’s holding up Live 4K HDR broadcasts?

01:40:19 – Raf: Adding a 40-60Hz Boost

He wants to test our claim that an EQ boost in the 40-60Hz region can make his subwoofers sound “bigger”. Is an adjustment to his subwoofers’ built-in EQ all he needs to do?

01:48:40 – John: New Speakers & Subs in Ireland

We think an ELAC Debut audition would be well worthwhile. And we suggest BK Electronics subs.

– https://www.bkelec.com/HiFi/Sub_Woofers.htm

02:07:13 – Christian: Slick 2.0 or 3.0 Setup

His friend either wants invisible or slick-looking audio above or below a 46″ TV.

– https://www.orbaudio.com/

– https://us.kef.com/products/htf8003-soundbar-speaker

– https://www.sonos.com/en-us/shop/soundbars

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