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On the Fringe of Stupidity

September 15th, 2008

Warning – Spoilers within

Whew! I thought I was going to have to add something else to my DVR list. Thank you J.J. Abrams for proving me right that you’re an overrated hack that had one good idea and no follow-through.

So, I DVRed Fringe (I keep typing Fridge for some reason) the premiere night but I missed the first 10 minutes or so. Luckily, it was being replayed last night so I was able to catch it. Not really a big deal considering that it starts like every other TV show and you can infer the first few minutes from the rest of the show.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Keen Eddie on this show, mostly because my wife thinks he’s a hottie which ups my chance to get her to watch something with me about 45%. Plus, I though Keen Eddie was a pretty cool show and I like to see actors of failed shows that I liked get more work. Felt the same was about Burn Notice after Touching Evil was canceled. But that’s neither here nor there.

Let’s see, if you’re J.J. Abrams and you’ve got a new show, what do you do? Oh, yeah, do the exact same thing as you’ve done before since it worked. Hot, strong woman whose boyfriend gets killed (even though we know from the previews that he in some way comes back in this one) is stuck in a situation where she is in constant danger and doesn’t really know what’s going on.

Seen it.

Now, if you are J.J. Abrams, maybe you realize half way through the pilot that you’ve written all this before and decide to get creative and switch it up… maybe that was your plan from the beginning since you knew that people would start predicting the story once it pretty much started just like Alias. I don’t know. All I know is that when you copy yourself, it isn’t the sincerest form of flattery, it is just sad.

Fringe has no more going for it than the last few seasons of X-Files (which SUCKED). If this pilot is the best we have to look forward to, I’m afraid for the future. I’m also afraid of a writer who thinks I’m going to buy a CIA agent (or whatever she was) letting a mental patient shoot her full of animal tranquilizers and LSD in hopes of reaching her comatose boyfriend. What, the government doesn’t drug test any more?

Plus, anyone with half a brain knows that regardless of whether the “procedure” worked or not, she’d more than likely see what she expected. Isolation chamber + LSD pretty much guarantees that. Heck, I just watched a show last night called Alone where people left in a lightless environment for 48 hours started hallucinating. And that was without drugs.

Sure, the floating words were cool and for the most part the acting was fine but it was all so derivative. Boss is a dick, chick keeps pushing regardless of how career ending it is, theories, no matter how obscure, end up working. Come on. We’ve done all this. The only character that made sense was the son of the whack-job scientist who was systematically ignored. I kept thinking everything he was saying and yet no one even bothered to listen. J.J. seemed to put him in there to say to the audience, “See, I know what your objections are but like my characters, I’m ignoring you.”

Well, fine. I’ll ignore you too.

God, the new Star Trek movie is going to suck. I’m so depressed.

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  1. AustinM
    September 15th, 2008 at 19:20 | #1

    Keen Eddie rocked. I really want to know the story about the secretary who always made very naughty remarks that only our hero seemed to hear. Was he just imagining that stuff? Also, Sienna Miller.

    They are replaying Touching Evil on Universal HD every so often.

  2. September 16th, 2008 at 11:19 | #2

    I watched the premier of Fringe and then promptly decided that I simply don’t have the time or patience to vest myself in yet another JJ Abrams “unfolding mystery” series. I’ll do the same with this show I did with Lost… Wait 3 years and if people are still saying “OMG itz teh greatrst thng evar!” I’ll pick up the show online or via DVD rental.

    I am really scared for Star Trek as well. Especially given JJ’s penchant for leaving loose ends. I believe there is a reason we don’t have a good trailer yet. He’s not confident enough that he nailed it.

  3. September 17th, 2008 at 06:13 | #3

    oh darn, i have dvred it but haven’t watched it yet. i LOVE j.j. abrams and have this idea that he and i would be bffs. but maybe our friendship is on the outs….

  4. Rob
    September 17th, 2008 at 12:00 | #4

    Well…it’s not THAT bad :p

    It’s certainly not a “must see” new show. But it’s entertaining enough that if you don’t already have a ton of shows and just want something to flick on on a Tuesday night, then it’ll do.

    Having seen the second episode now, this is most definitely VERY X-Files.


    They even completely recycled the ‘seeing the last image on the dead person’s eye’ thing, which they used in X-Files so many years ago.

    There’s a lot that annoys me about Fringe, but a number of things that I kinda like too. Mostly, I enjoy how unintentionally hillarious it is. Last night’s opening had me in stitches with the nurse’s screeming sending me into Evil Dead II territory 😀

  5. September 17th, 2008 at 19:39 | #5

    “They even completely recycled the ’seeing the last image on the dead person’s eye’ thing, which they used in X-Files so many years ago.”

    … and Wild Wild West… and…

  6. September 18th, 2008 at 11:19 | #6

    Evil Dead II ROCKED!!!!!

    Sam Raimi is the only person on the planet that can make the same movie twice and not have me immediately hate him.

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